Friday, July 23, 2010

My Solo (Blogging) Debut

and I really hope it will be an exciting time, but we shall see...

Hello all,
Welcome to the Movie Blog Site: Yet Another Movie Blog at Allow me to introduce myself. I am Peter Schipper, a small, movie obsessed Asian kid. If you do not like my blog, I suggest you take it up with one of my friends (who may or may not be named Nate Slauer). Why, you ask? Well, in short, he told me to create one. Bear with me, as this is my first blog (Special thanks to Blogger are in order, as well.). Suggestions are very welcome! I have had previous blogging experience in sports, but the blog was never my own. This is, shall we say, my solo debut.
So... here it is.

This blog will feature the latest movie news gathered from around the 'net, as well as a few actual movie reviews. My movie watching abilities in theaters are impeded on by time, money, time, time, and well, time. I am currently gearing up for college and have auditions and other college-y things to pursue. Don't get me wrong, I (think) I'll like managing this blog.

Thank you for following! Let's hope it's a fun ride!

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